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EMDR Wales Regional Group Meeting

Annette Scott-lawson writes: I am excited to invite you to our next EMDR Regional meeting - the first in-person meeting for a long time. I look forward to catching up with you all. Here are the details you need to know:

Venue: Llyswen Village Hall, in Llyswen, near Brecon, LD3 0LJ

When: Friday, May 27th, 10.30 am-12.30 pm

Presenter: Annette Wyndham

Subject: A refresher on the EMDR standard protocol, with time for case discussion and support

CPD Points: Applied for with the EMDR UK Association

Refreshments: Tea/coffee and biscuites provided

Cost: £5 towards hire of the hall. There will also be a basket for donations towards Trauma Aid UK.