This is about Tom, a young man brought up in a dysfunctional family: an alcoholic mother and a controlling, sometimes violent, father who would belittle him for showing a desire to learn and do well in school. Tom grew up with a sense of being rejected by his family and carried thoughts of being ’bad’ and ‘shameful’. These became particularly troublesome after Tom developed a serious interest in a fellow student at university. He found himself holding back from the relationship, scared that she might reject him when she found out what a ‘bad’ person he was.
What you will learn:
The video demonstrates how Tom’s damaging and pervasive attachment experiences with his mother and father can be repaired and reversed through rewiring his thought patterns. The video shows how the therapist and Tom co-construct and install an alternative reality - a hypothetical ‘ideal’ mother as a resource. In turn, this led to new neural pathways that changed the way he felt about himself and how he related to others.
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What this is about: The case is about a man in his forties who has lost his family and career. He experiences extreme dysregulation, suicidal thoughts and an inability to make sustained relationships. He has a childhood of extreme neglect and abuse. The defining condition is a lack of any hope of change or relief in the future. He is unable to contemplate dealing with past and current traumas.
What you will learn: How to work, first with the future loss of hope using the standard EMDR protocol. You will also learn how to use aspects of Brief Solution Focused Therapy to create a hopeful future, if the client is unable to do so himself. This hopeful future will become the target in this first phase of the three-part therapeutic journey.