Video 053 Targeting Fear of Fear

Use this video

Prior to or during the history taking if the client is showing ‘fear of fear’.


Kiessling, R. (2009). Managing the ‘Fear of Fear’. In M Luber (Ed.), EMDR Scripted Protocols: Basic and Special Situations. New York: Springer Publishing.

Shapiro, F. (2001, 2006). Phobia Protocol.  As above, page 155.

Lucy Artigas, who invented the Butterfly Hugs procedure in 1997.

Video production

Matthew Davies Media Ltd, Llanidloes, Powys.

What this covers

Hannah has come to therapy because she has a phobia of dogs  - she becomes extremely fearful in their presence.  Her fear is so great that she becomes fearful even talking about her fear – she is fearful of her own fearful reaction. 

Taking a history with her therefore becomes very difficult. This video demonstrates a couple of ways to address ‘Fear of Fear.”

How long

9.49 minutes

Related videos

This video is an adaption of Video 052, the Light Stream and also demonstrates the use of Butterfly hugs. 

An alternative is to use a ‘Container’ to hold the negative sensations/affect as in Video 051.

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For the Aide mémoire to use in a client session.

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Some therapists usually ask for a ‘SUD’s’ measurement of distress before and after these protocols. The video does not show this. If you do, be prepared for the client who doesn’t register much change. In such a case, check what sort of beneficial change has occurred, and encourage the client even if the change is small; you might repeat the protocol and/or suggest to the client they practice the protocol several time a day, as in the video.

The Light Stream adaption (note: check out video 052 Light Stream Aide mémoire to see the similarities and differences between the original Light Stream and this adaptation):

  1. Ask the client to scan their whole body and identify any unpleasant body sensations or tensions
  2. Say, “Imagine those sensations as energy. What shape, size, colour, temperature, texture and sound do they have?”
  3. Say, “In a moment I am going to ask you to imagine a wonderful healing, soothing light is going to touch your head and pass through your body. What colour light do you associate with these qualities?”
  4. Say, “Imagine this healing soothing light touches the top of your head and then begins to fill your body (describe how it flows through every part of their body), and flows around the shape of those unpleasant sensations.”
  5. Say, “Allow more and more of this infinite light to touch the shape, let it resonate and vibrate in and around it.” Then ask, “What do you notice is happening to the shape?”
  6. If the client indicates change, repeat point 5 until the shape is gone and the unpleasant sensations end or are significantly diminished.
  7. Say, “Continue to allow the healing soothing light to flow through your body (name every part) and out through your feet.”
  8. Ask,”What positive words would you most like to hear right now? Say those words to yourself several times as the light continues to flow.”
  9. Say, “Now, as I count from one to five, I would like you to bring yourself back here into this room - your whole and complete self. So, bring your whole self here now (pause and then count out loud with rising intonation).
  10. Practice the protocol with the client until you and they are confident they can carry out the protocol by themselves.

Butterfly hugs:

  1. As an alternative to or as an addition to the Light stream, teach the butterfly hugs technique as demonstrated in the video.
  2. Practice with the client until you and they are confident they can carry out the protocol by themselves.


  1. Discuss with the client how they might make use of one or both of these protocols – in an emergency; or by deliberately recalling the unpleasant sensations and practising whichever protocol works best for them.
  2. You might suggest practising the chosen protocol on a regular daily basis - on getting up, during the day when needed, before going to sleep - until the next time you meet.